Category Grips Branch Feed

Kirk Thornton Funeral Details

There will be a service to celebrate Kirk Thornton’s life on Wednesday 26th February at 11am at Clandon Wood, Epsom Road, West Clandon, Guildford, Surrey GU14 7FN (older satnavs use GU14 7TT). Please car share where possible as parking is…

Welcome to our new supporters!

On behalf of everyone at the Grips Branch, we would like to introduce and welcome our newest sponsors to the Grips Branch Charity. A big thank you to Suz Cruz and The Wire Rig Company for their extremely kind donations to the…

History of Gripping in the UK

Over the past year, we have been collating the History of Gripping from the Branch’s perspective. This has been collated by the Branch with the help of veteran Grip’s including Dennis Fraser and Tony Rowland. This history has now been…

Meet Oscar!

He’s our ChatGPT-powered friend with an encyclopaedic knowledge of all thing’s cinematography from British Cinematographer. Ask him a question and you’ll be amazed by his response.